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July Employee Spotlight

Soapbox moment: We’d like to take some time to brag about James!

James is one of our knowledgeable associates who is trained not only as an Optician, but also as a Patient Care Specialist. Since joining the Spectrum Optical team more than two years ago, James has devoted himself to learning the ins-and-outs of Opticianry so he can provide personalized, informed care to our patients.

James puts his heart into his work and takes great pride in making a difference in our clients’ lives. To him, there is no such thing as an uneventful day – he treats every interaction with his coworkers and patients like it is the most important conversation in the world. James is always the first to offer a kind word or assistance when it is needed most.

As you’d expect from someone with such a warm, caring demeanor, James loves to spend his free time in the company of family and friends. When he’s not at work, he is either relaxing with his wife and pets or playing tabletop or video games with his friends.

We are inspired by James’ ability to overcome any challenge and always remain calm (even on the busiest days)! His positive attitude and enthusiasm are infectious and make him a VIP on the Spectrum Optical team.

Next time to talk to James, please let him know you share our appreciation of the work he does! 🙂